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Program Management and Policy Development

Our customers tell us that they were looking for a strategic partner that adapts its management approaches to complement the unique expertise required of each project. Cadence is that partner. We bring policy experts to the engagement and fully align with program leadership to help clients gain and maintain compliance. Our program managers and policy experts actively seek to inform program implementation and all the supporting structures that will directly enhance the desired operational outcome. Our unique combination of in-depth business domain and tactical expertise as well as a proven track record of service delivery has earned us many trusted long-term relationships and accolades from both our clients and industry partners.

Cadence is currently engaged by a Federal Commission to conduct candidate research and identification. The Commission established an Advisory Committee (Committee) in each state, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories to inform it about related issues. Cadence program management experts are conducting recruitment for these Advisory Committees, utilizing research and evaluative methodologies, and applying the selection models to the individuals uncovered through search efforts. Though volunteer positions, Advisory Committee members enjoy a level of prestige through their participation in addition to the satisfaction of performing an important patriotic service to the nation. Knowesis’ audience data analysis skills are engaged in the evaluation of nominees’ educational, professional, and supplementary accomplishments for Commission consideration.  


These research efforts are supported by an innovative and strategic/educational communications campaign consisting of audience segmentation and campaign theme development appealing to those audience segments; a web landing page housing the application link and survey; social media platform presences dedicated specifically to campaign objectives; multimedia content creation to be executed on those platforms and others, including: inspirational, historic messages of those dedicated to the continuous improvement of the civil rights of its citizens; testimonials from existing Committee participants and leaders about the important work they are doing (in text, video, and/or audio form); video interviews with Committee and Commission leaders talking about the significance of the work and appreciation they have for candidate volunteers; and audio interviews to provide both sound snippets for promotion and podcast dedicated to sharing the many important Committee efforts ensuing across our nation in support of the organization’s mission. 

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